Impressum: www;
© 1998-2010 Dieter Kraus.
Nederlands (Niederlande / Netherlands)
"Centrum voor Religie en Recht"/"Centre for Religion and Law" (www.religie-recht.nl
, www.centre-religion-law.org):
The Centre for Religion and Law at the VU University Amsterdam is a collaborative
venture of the juridical and theological faculties. Bilingual website (Dutch
and English)
Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Kerk en Recht
(www.ntkr.nl): website van het digitale tijdschrift Nederlands Tijdschrift
voor Kerk en Recht
www.kerkrecht.nl: onder leiding
van Prof. dr. M. te Velde, hoogleraar aan de Theologische Universiteit
van de Gereformeerde Kerken in Nederland (vrijgemaakt)
Vraagbaak Johannes Andreae" alias www.canoniekrecht.nl:
via rorate.com (rorate = Roman Catholic
Radio, Television & Internet; Rorate is a Roman Catholic multimedia
organisation working in Belgium and the Netherlands; it also provides some
information on canon law of the dutch church-province and of the dutch
dioceses: see here),
Thomas Instituut te Utrecht
(a co-operative group of theologians, philosophers and historians from
several universities and institutes in the Netherlands, specialised in
the study of the work of Saint Thomas Aquinas),
www.kerkinfo.nl (search engine),
De Protestantse Kerk in Nederland (PKN):
English site: The Protestant
Church in the Netherlands,
Unification process (the PKN came into being on 1st May 2004 bringing together
the Netherlands Reformed Church (NCR), the Reformed Churches in the Netherlands
(RCN) and the Evangelical Lutheran Church (ELC)):
Church constitution:
zu www.kirchenrecht.net.